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I Am Not Complaining

November 16, 2012

Written by Marykate OMalley, mother of three wonderful children, Gladwyne, PA

I am not a complainer. Probably to a fault. I am a ‘look on the bright side of life’ kind of gal. And when it comes to my children – I just don’t have a tolerance for it. I tell them they are allowed to have a complaint but they have to follow with a solution. You see how it is in my house. However, if I was to complain, here is what I would tell you. But I wont tell you, I will only explain what I would tell you, if I was to complain. You follow?


  • I am always cold. As in always. cold. I blame it on my Irish ancestry, poor circulation or something. I can turn up the heat, dress in layers, it doesn’t matter. I am not cold during July and August, except when in air conditioning, and otherwise, cold. I want to feel really, really sorry for myself about this. But I can’t. I know how ridiculous it is. Maybe you will feel sorry for me. You people who aren’t cold. all. the. time.


  • I have a youthful voice. When I answer the phone, I get, “Is your Mommy home”? And I am not quick enough, or frankly sassy enough, to have a good response. So I just say, “This is Marykate OMalley”. Or sometimes if it is telemarketer I say, “No, she isn’t home right now”.


  • I didn’t carve a pumpkin with my children this Halloween, a yearly tradition since basically forever. And I am into traditions. So it bothers me. I have all my reasons which don’t really matter and what I can tell you is that I still intended to carve it, even after Halloween. My wonderful mother dropped off the perfect pumpkin for carving, a beautiful sphere shaped pumpkin begging for angular eyes and a toothy grin. My plan was to extend Halloween with my children and get to it the weekend following. But a squirrel started on it before I could. It began with a small hole, then a larger one, and it now looks like he is ready to occupy my pumpkin. And make it into his squirrel abode, his delectable and digestible chateau. I could get another one, but I won’t. I need to let this one go. If I was complaining, I would mention the squirrel pumpkin thing.


And that is all I have for today.  You?

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  1. Cathy

      on November 16, 2012 2:47 pm

    Oh, my fondness for you keeps growing!! I, too, am ALWAYS cold! Cold hands, warm heart, right?! I hang that sign in my house during the winter! 🙂 AND, just last week, someone called our house and asked if my mom was there! Apparently, it doesn’t matter how close to 40 I am, I still sound young! ha! 🙂


  2. Marykate wurster

      on November 16, 2012 2:57 pm

    Cathy so funny I tell my kids the same – cold hands warm heart” every time I hear “Mom, your hands are freezing!” Which is a lot! How funny about the phone too!


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