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The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself…

October 1, 2013

Written by Marykate O’Malley, mother of three wonderful children, Gladwyne PA


…Is to do something for someone else.

Recently, I had a reality check. A “you better check yourself before you wreck yourself” moment. I volunteered at a transitional living home for mothers in the state between homelessness and securing their own home. And as I was driving into Philadelphia, homemade baked goods filling up the car with their warm inviting scent I thought to myself what a kind person I was to take time out my busy life to do this. Can you see me? I am smiling, humming along to the radio, a white and golden glow envelopes me. You see the cupcakes, and brownies all packaged beautifully. Yes, the grandiose thoughts, what a good person I am.

And then reality like a two by four, like the clashing gong, like a shrieking siren saying – wake up! Who is helping who??

Because as I drove back the short 25 minutes trek from this home to my own house I was a changed person. I received the gift. And it is called perspective. And it is called gratitude. And it is called humility. 25 minutes away, and another world.

Photograph courtesy of Rachel McGinn photography

And despite the differences of socio economics, and lifestyle, and education, and whatever else it is we define ourselves by, all the things that don’t matter. When you peel it all away, we are simply mothers trying to do the best thing for our families. There isn’t any difference at all.

I can volunteer in many ways and do as much as I can, but this, this human connection and going directly to the source was simply powerful. To see it from the mountain top I needed get out myself and my own life a to get a clear picture. And what a gift – what a view – to see my life.

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