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Tooth Fairy Visits

August 14, 2012

written by Cathy Baker, mom of two amazing daughters, from Missour,

Wiggle, wiggle, then wiggle some more. Up and down. Back and forth. And finally…that cute little baby tooth comes out! It’s been close to a couple of years since we’ve lost any teeth in our family…my girls are inbetween round 1 and round 2 of their teeth falling out.  My oldest daughter finally has another tooth loose, and while she no longer believes in the tooth fairy, she still believes the tooth fairy will visit her when her tooth finally comes out.  And she’s probably right.


The above picture is my youngest daughter  in kindergarten (2009). In a matter of one month, she knocked out FOUR, yes that’s her FOUR front teeth.  First, she banged four of them loose on the playground. One fell out, one had to be pulled out and the other two were ‘okay’ to stay, well until 3 weeks later, when she ran into another girl at the playground and knocked out those two teeth as well. In this picture, she was worried because we never could find her teeth in all the tiny pebbles of the playground (yes, we did go and search!), so she thought the tooth fairy wouldn’t leave her any money.  So, she wrote this note. The tooth fairy wrote her back letting her know she flew over the playground and found them just fine, and left her some coins too! 🙂

And you know what? One time the toothfairy actually FORGOT (gasp!) to stop by !  I reassured my daughter LOTS of kids must of lost teeth that day and the tooth fairy just ran out of time to stop by. (That must be it, right?) Well the Tooth Fairy made it the next night and decided to double pay since she missed the first night!

At my sister’s home the tooth fairy leaves glitter on the window sill.  I think one time, a piece of her ‘dress’ even got stuck on the screen! So, how does the tooth fairy get into a home? Perhaps through one of these adorable doors found at

How about a personalized note from the tooth fairy that comes ‘fairy-sized’?

Pinned Image

Disclaimer: I have not personally used Leaf Cuttter Designs, so I can’t personally recomend them, but I think these letters are so incredibly cute! I wonder if you could replicate something similar on a home computer.

Pinned Image

And lastly, how about a ‘tooth receipt’ – what a cute way to keep a record of when and where each tooth was lost. You can print this tooth receipt and other cute notes to/from the tooth fairy at Jaded Blossom.

So, I’m curious, what does the tooth fairy payout at your home? Does she have any traditions to help your child celebrate this momentous occassion?

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  1. Jenny

      on August 14, 2012 12:57 pm

    My daughter just lost three teeth in a matter of 2 weeks! Two of them came out while we were on vacation at the beach, so the tooth fairy left a few shells with her money.


  2. Cathy Baker

      on August 20, 2012 10:41 am

    Cute idea with the shells – that tooth fairy – she’s so creative!


  3. nannypanpan

      on September 7, 2012 2:35 pm

    love the idea of the receipt..great for the scrapbook and my bad memory


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