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It’s Artimus Art Time!

June 8, 2011

I was just about to send in all my adorable’s artwork for publication at Artimus Art and I thought you all might like the reminder (and the coupon code!!) too.


So to recap….

This is NOT just another photo book that you create with My Publisher, Photoworks, etc.  Artimus Art SCANS all of the artwork using heavy duty scanners.  So here’s how it works:

1.  Go to Artimus Art and purchase your book.  There are 3 sizes: The Red Wagon for a 24-page book; The Trolley for a 50-page book (that’s what I’m buying); and The Dump Truck for an 85-page book.

2. In the mail you’ll receive a huge art box for all of your art.

3. Ship it back (all shipping labels are included so you just have to drop it off) and in a few days all the magic happens.  You’ll receive a message that your art had been scanned and you’re ready to create your book.  It will take you approximately 7 minutes to create your book online.  You can change the order of the pages easily, choose the color of the cover and title the book.

4. Then you’ll receive all of your artwork and YOUR BOOK back in the mail!

5. Place the box under your couch and start collecting art for next year’s book.


I really thought this book would be more for me as a way to keep my adorable’s art without having tons of loose papers laying around.

What I hadn’t planned on was how much my he loves to pour over his book.  He regularly requests his book as part of our nighttime “reading”.

The quality of our book is absolutely outstanding.

Here’s the thing: art that was 3-dimensional actually LOOKED 3-dimensional on the printed page.  Their scanners must be outstanding because you can even see textures.  If you looked at this book, I promise you’d touch a couple pages because you’d think the art is glued in.  But it’s not.  Scout’s honor.


And here’s my favorite part: you can turn boxes of art into one sleek, store-able, shelve-able book that will last for the ages.  Now THAT is brilliant.

Naturally I asked for another coupon code:  Use 7NTOQEFIE for $15 off at Artimus Art.

Have a great day everyone!

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  1. Fatima

      on June 8, 2011 8:13 am

    It really looks like too useful for my children’s drawings, and for me, it is just amazing to collect everything in one book instead of loose papers 🙂
    It is TIDY, and I hope the quality of it as you mentioned; I can’t imagine that..


  2. Vivian A.

      on June 8, 2011 9:55 am

    Ooohhh….how long does the coupon code last? Landon’s not old enough to create very much artwork yet, but I’ll definitely be interested in using this service in the future! Oh, and this reminds me of a recent purchase of mine, which I thought was such a cute idea. Hallmark is selling these recordable books (kind of like those recordable cards they have), where each page has a question (i.e. “If you could travel anywhere with mom for a day, where would you want to go?”), and then it lets you record their answer. Kids will say some of the darnedest cutest things when they’re young, and this book is a wonderful way to keep them all compiled in a single book (vs. having to sift through hours and hours of video recordings). Not to mention, it runs on battery, so it could essentially last forever! (Or at least I’m hoping.) 😛 Plus, it’s only like $25! I’m not sure if you’ve seen them yet, but you’re always sharing such wonderful advice, I thought I’d try to put in my 2 cents for a change. 😉


  3. Kim B.

      on June 8, 2011 10:21 am

    We’ve made one with the online photo sites but this sounds so much better than me taking inadequate pictures of the art. But even our amateur one was a big hit so this is sure to be a favorite book.


  4. jeff

      on June 9, 2011 9:05 am

    Great reminder idea. Lifetime memories for all and they will even be able to show their children


  5. Heather

      on June 9, 2011 9:45 am

    What a great idea! I’m a designer and always think I’ll get around to doing this myself, but the fact is…I have yet to make my son a baby book, and he’s 3-years old!
    I just found your blog, and have been having fun reading through your posts!


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