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Take a Break from Discipline…

December 8, 2011

I ran into a mom at a book fair when I was holding the Elf on the Shelf box to purchase several years ago, and she said, “Oh the Elf on the Shelf!  I get it out every year after Thanksgiving and whenever my kiddos do anything wrong I just say, ‘Remember the Elf who reports to Santa?’  and they stiffen and correct themselves immediately.”

And you know what???

She was absolutely right.  No truer words have been spoken.

Meet the Elf on the Shelf, a set which comes with a book and this little elf doll (mine doesn’t have a skirt, but I thought she was cute).

Here’s how it works: The Elf comes to your house around Christmastime and he or she flies home to Santa every night to report if your adorable has been good or bad.  My adorables can tell that Jack (our elf) has left, because he changes locations every morning.  Whenever my adorables get in trouble, I just put my face in my hands and utter: “Oh no!  I bet the Elf saw you/heard you”, you know, like we’re in this together.  They immediately stiffen and my younger adorable will actually run over and explain himself to Jack and beg forgiveness.

I’m just delighted with the whole arrangement.

Now if they could just invent something for the rest of the year.

Oh wait, that’s my job.

But a break is certainly welcome!

Here’s a list of 101 Elf on the Shelf Ideas from Blossom Bunkhouse to give you some inspiration.


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